Do you want to study abroad?
Coaching Study USA
US Bachelor

Personal consultation
International education consultancy is a very special profession, it requires serious brainstorming and meticulous work. Personal consultation is the process of placing a student in a program where he will get the most efficiency with the least expense and loss of time. As CSU, we aim for a lossless and holistic application process where time management is best practiced. ​ ​
Bachelor programs
Most undergraduate programs in the United States take 4 academic years. Each university has its own academic calendar. In general an academic year consists of two semesters: Spring and Fall terms. Education usually begins in August or September and continues until May or June. Students studying in the USA take field courses (major) and elective courses (minor) during their four-year undergraduate education. Basic education is given in the first two years of 4-year universities. Most American universities give you the opportunity to change your major in your first year of study.Undergraduate education is offered at private and public universities, both types of schools are chargeable for international students. Both types of schools require school admission and an F1 visa. Although there is a general framework, each university in the United States has different levels of selection and entry standards.
It will be a great advantage for high school students who dream of going abroad to keep their GPAs high. Extracurricular activities are important in the application process. Student clubs, sports activities, social organizations, etc. provide a serious advantage. In short, the earlier the planning of education abroad is, the easier and more effective the admission to school will be.
Choosing the right school ​ ​
One of the first things to consider when researching colleges and universities in the USA for international students is the type of program they want to pursue and the field they want for their future career. If there is a particular field currently of interest to study, they may begin to narrow down the universities that offer great programs in that field. University rankings can help them find the right university, including institutions at the same level as Ivy league schools. Many private organizations, including Forbes and Times Higher Education, rate universities in the US, and these rankings give a good idea of ​​universities and colleges. University department websites are also great resources for learning more about their programs; including curriculum, opportunities, results, and alumni testimonials. ​ ​
Application Deadlines
Application deadlines for universities in the United States are usually between November and February. School application types are divided into three.
The first is the early application, which we call 'Early Admissions' (Early Action/ Early Decision), and the second is the normal application dates called 'Regular Decision'. The last one is the year-round application we call 'Rolling Admissions'. During the early application process, your chances of getting accepted and winning a scholarship increase.
​a) Early Action (Erken Eylem): A nonbinding option, early action allows students to apply and potentially gain admission to one or more schools much earlier than regular applicants. As an early action applicant, you usually have until early or mid-November to submit your application materials, including your transcripts, letters of recommendation, and personal statement.
Early action schools normally send out decisions in December, January, or February and give admitted students until May 1 — the national response date — to formally reply to their offers. This also gives students time to compare financial aid offers from schools.
b) Early Decision (Erken Karar): Unlike early action, early decision is a binding agreement, meaning you can apply to only one school under this admission plan. Early decision normally benefits top-performing students who have identified their first-choice college. Since it's a binding agreement, the institution will require signatures from you, your family, and a school counselor.Schools that offer early decision tend to be private and highly selective.
With early decision, you'll receive an admission decision in or around December and must enroll if accepted. Often the only exception is if the school's financial aid package fails to meet your needs. Most admitted students send in their nonrefundable deposits well before May 1. Additionally, you are required to withdraw any applications you have at other colleges and may not apply to more schools.
c) Regular Decision (Normal Karar): Most students apply to college under regular decision. These deadlines commonly fall in January or February. Typically, you'll hear back from prospective schools in March or April and must follow up with your decision about whether to enroll by May 1. As one of the widest application windows, regular decision ensures students have ample time to gather materials, prepare their essays, and take any required exams. These deadlines also give you additional time to carefully consider your college options.
The downside of waiting until the final application window means that if you get rejected, you'll have to wait until the following academic term or year to reapply. Alternatively, you could get waitlisted, which means you may or may not get accepted depending on whether any spots open up.
​d)Rolling Admission (Yıl boyu Başvuru): Rather than maintaining set deadlines, colleges with rolling admission evaluate applications as they come in. These schools usually offer several application windows a year. In general, they'll accept and review applications until all spots in the upcoming class are filled.
Most rolling-admission colleges open up admissions around September 1. This window can last all the way through spring, depending on how many spots remain, though some schools may adhere to the May 1 deadline.
​High school diploma from the high school you graduated from or will be
2-3 reference letters from your teachers
Application fee
Portfolio for faculties of fine arts and architecture
Minimum GPA
Licenses and documents related to sports and arts activities
SAT or ACT test result
TOEFL or IELTS results
Pathway programs, which are defined as undergraduate preparation and undergraduate transition, are also offered in educational institutions contracted with American universities for students who cannot meet one or more of these conditions.